Jireh Supplies is pleased to announce that we have added Yamaha Acoustic, Classical, Electric, and Bass guitars to our growing line of musical instruments. Many of these guitars are in stock in our retail store located in Downtown Lawrenceville, Georgia. More information can be found at www.jirehsupplies.com/jireh-yamaha-guitars.htm Jireh Music and More 117 Buford Dr. Lawrenceville, […]
Jireh Supplies is please to announce that we are an authorized dealer for Schecter Research guitars and the new SGR guitars by Schecter. Jireh Music and More retail store has these great guitars in stock. Come in today to try one for yourself, or visit us online at https://www.jirehsupplies.com/jireh-schecter-guitars.htm Jireh Music and More 117 Buford […]
The ChordBuddy Guitar Learning system was recently featured on ABC Shark Tank. The ChordBuddy is available online at www.jirehsupplies.com or in our retail store. Call or go online today to buy your ChordBuddy. Jireh Music and More 117 Buford Dr. Lawrenceville, GA 30046 770-338-0999
Jireh Music and More offers group guitar lessons for ages 12 and up. Lessons are taught in a small group setting. These lessons are for the beginning guitar player, or someone considering guitar. If you, or your child, is considering learning the guitar the Jireh Music and More group beginner lessons is the perfect choice […]
Had all the cookie dough you can hold? Shelves full of wrapping paper? All that fruit go bad? How about having your students sell something practical for everyone? With the “Batteries For Dollars” fundraising program your customers and supporters will save money, get a longer lasting alkaline battery, and most importantly your organization will earn […]
Jireh Supplies is relaunching the Batteries for Dollars Battery Fundraiser Program. For more information go to: www.batteriesfordollars.com or https://www.jirehsupplies.com/battery-fundraiser-batteries-for-sale-fundraising.htm
Jireh Supplies retail store Jireh Music and More was recently remodeled to expand the selection of guitars, DJ Gear, Live Sound, Speakers and much more… visit us at www.jirehsupplies.com or http://www.facebook.com/JirehMusicandMore
Jireh Music and More is a full line Orange Amp Dealer. We stock the popular and affordable Orange Crush PiX Amp Line as well as the Tiny Terror Series, Rockerverb, TH Series, Thunderverb Guitar Heads, AD Series, and other. Jireh Music and More is located at 117 Buford Dr., Lawrenceville, Georgia 30046. Our retail showroom […]
Churches can now finance a complete sound and video system purchased from Jireh Supplies and Jireh Music & More through Peavey Finance. Even if the church has a main sound system, youth systems can be purchased and financed through Peavey Finance. Call Jireh Supplies at 1-800-478-2591 or click on the link for more informaiton. Peavey […]
New Marvel Guitar Straps and Guitar Pick by Peavey are now available at Jireh Supplies online, and Jireh Music and More retail store in Lawrenceville, Georgia. Click Here for more information Peavey Electronics®, one of the world’s largest manufacturers and suppliers of musical instruments and professional sound equipment, proudly announces its all-new line of officially […]